A case for men’s work
How my therapist saved my relationship to men
What I needed was to dig into why I was so afraid of male therapists. The answer was as simple as it was obvious: my father.
Emotional Debt
John Feldkamp writes in this men’s work blog post about the concept of “emotional debt,” which men and boys accumulate over our lifetimes in a patriarchal culture of suppression. What would it be like to unburden yourself from some of this emotional debt in 2024? Read on to find out.
An emotional poem by Hey Brother Co. founder Johnny Cole about finding a sense of brotherhood with his namesake, John Feldkamp. This poem illustrates Johnny’s longtime search for a little brother, and search for reciprocal support and connection with other men.
A letter to a young man in pain
From your roots to your twigs, blemishes and all, you are beautiful, unique, and worthy of sunlight.
What should we do about angry men?
Reframing how we think about anger.
Lessons from Camp Bear Hug: The Power of Touch and Intimacy
I Am Not an Oak
A striking poem and men’s affirmation by HBC leader John Feldkamp.
Over the Counter, Under the Rug: Why aren’t men going to the doctor?
I know that you are exhaustively asked to harden your resolve, but I’m asking you now to soften your heart.
My dad was a great father - so why did he let me down?
Over Father’s Day weekend, my 62-year-old dad and I drove up to southern Virginia to take part in Hey Brother Co.’s father-son retreat. It was a whirlwind three days full of emotional vulnerability, difficult conversations, and lots of long walks around the working apple orchard where we were staying. Recently, I called my dad up to get his thoughts on the whole experience.
Masculinity and Gym Culture pt. II: The Body Issue
On Jokes and My Nephew: Habituating Humor to Diminish Men’s Work and Introspection on Masculinity
How sometimes an inclination toward humor comes from a place of fear—a fear of vulnerability.
Survival of the Fittest: Shame and Gym Culture Pt. 1
Survival of the Fittest: Shame and Gym Culture
The Positive Masculinity of Ted Lasso
Is Ted Lasso a model of healthy masculinity? We think so. Great coaches have tremendous impact on their players, writes Lewis Kendall.
My First Men’s Retreat at 22
One of our initial members, John Feldkamp reflects on his experience on our inaugural retreat as the youngest man to attend.
Walking Through The Door: On Vulnerability and Openness to New Experiences
Our Content Director Lewis Kendall writes about his admiration for his friend who bravely fights the male loneliness epidemic by stepping outside his comfort zone when studying overseas.